Senior Care Solutions Tampa
Website Development
Email Marketing
Creative Content / Lead Generation
Senior Care Solutions Tampa is a passionate placement service that educates and assists seniors on their next move.
Michelle Cohen, of Senior Care Solutions, came to us looking to break into the online world to promote her assisted living business. First step was bringing her business to the internet and our marketing experts also found a low-cost opportunity to tap into her wide network through a series of high quality email campaigns.
- Developed a mobile optimized but senior friendly website.
- Leveraged existing email list to maximize referrals
- Created a 14-page organic, lead-generating, white paper to display on their website and email campaigns.
Senior Care Solutions Tampa Bay(SCSTB) caters to a generation less familiar with the online world. Digillennial understood this and designed a website that’s both informative and senior-friendly.
Here’s how we helped SCSTB connect with their audience:
- Information-First Approach: We prioritized an educational website strategy, providing clear and concise information for families navigating assisted living options. This positioned Michelle as a trusted resource for seniors and their loved ones.
- Accessibility Matters: We built a website that’s easy to navigate and visually appealing for users of all ages and technical skill levels. Seniors will find the information they need readily available, without any frustration.
Looking to build a website that connects with your target audience?
Digillennial can create a user-friendly and informative website that resonates with your customers, regardless of their age or technical expertise. See our design magic in action! Get a FREE website mockup from our expert team.
Senior Care Solutions Tampa Bay(SCSTB) needed a way to nurture their existing network and turn connections into valuable leads. Digillennial’s email marketing experts came to the rescue!
Here’s how we helped SCSTB cultivate a thriving network:
- Strategic Nurture Path: We crafted a targeted email nurture path specifically designed to engage Michelle’s network with valuable, up-to-date information. This content could be easily shared with friends, family, and colleagues who might be seeking assisted living options.
- Building Relationships: By providing informative content instead of constant sales pitches, we fostered trust and positioned SCSTB as a reliable resource.
- Results that Speak for Themselves: Email referrals became the second-leading source of leads for Senior Care Solutions, proving the power of targeted email marketing.
Imagine the email marketing possibilities for business!
Digillennial can help you nurture your network, build trust, and convert valuable connections into new clients. Contact us today and let’s craft an email marketing strategy that gets results!
We crafted an informative white paper called “Aging Wisely” for Senior Care Solutions Tampa Bay, attracting organic leads through downloadable, educational content. This targeted approach resonated with their older audience, generating valuable leads for their assisted living placement services. We utilized this white paper on all email campaigns and on different pages of the website.
The Results
The Results
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